06.05 .2021 : Indian travel market is one of the biggest markets in the world. As per reports, around 36% of Indian households undertake trips for one purpose or other both within and outside the country. In order to make all travels undertaken to be safe and to make to make every trip financially secure , IRDAI has designed his standard policy with an aim to provide suitable protection cover against unknown contingent events. Though, there are a number of travel insurance products available in India, each product is distinct and the insuring public may find it difficult to choose an appropriate product. Therefore, a standard travel product is designed by IRDAI with uniform features of coverage, so as to make available the most common requirements of a common passenger.
The policy is being issued from by all the general / health insurers under the name BHARAT YATRA SURAKSHA POLICY .
Note : Presently due to outbreak of pandemic in India , many are forced to stay indoors due to lockdown announced by the governments or by the fear of catching the virus . However the policy will be useful when normalcy returns to India

There are 5 variants under Bharat Suraksha Policy , covering various modes of travel like Taxi , Bus , Train , air & multiple modes as follows :
1. Coverage for travel through Taxi Cab/bus Within 100 kms
2. Coverage for travel through Taxi Cab/Bus Above 100 kms
3. Coverage for Train Travel (Only for Reserve d tickets) .
4. Coverage for Air travel .
5. Domestic Trips involving travel through any one or multiple modes of common carrier such as Taxi Cab, Bus, Train, Ship or Air travel .
1. Policies to be issued by all General and Health insurance companies .
2. There are 5 plans under the policy . Except the variants specified , insurance companies will
not be able to issue any other variant under the policy .
3. Coverage will have both indemnity and benefit basis.
4. The Policy is issued on per journey &trip basis. The policy is not renewable. However, the policy can be extended as per the
underwriting policy of the company subject to payment of premium.
5. There is no restriction on age . However policy proposer should be of age 18 years or above .
6. There is no co-payment by the insured
7. There is no waiting period .
8. Policy will be issued on Individual or group basis . Family can also be covered under the plans , but chosen sum insured shall apply to each family member separately .
Family consists of the proposer and any one or more of the family members as mentioned below: (i) Legally wedded spouse. (ii) Parents and Parents-in-law. (iii) Natural or Legally adopted Children
9. The premium is to be collected one time before issue of the policy .
What Bharat Yatra Suraksha Policy covers ?
1. Hospitalization Expenses due to Accident:
2. Death due to accident
3. Permanent Total Disablement
4. . Permanent Partial Disablement
5. Repatriation of Mortal Remains
6. Automatic Trip extension
1. Compassionate Allowance
2. Missed Flight Connection (applicable only for Air travel under Plan-D and Plan-E )
3. Loss of Checked-in Baggage (applicable only for Air travel under Plan-D and Plan-E)
4. Trip Delay - beyond 3 hours (applicable only for Air Travel under Plan-D and Plan-E)
5. Carrier Cancellation (applicable only for Air Travel under Plan-D and Plan-E)
6. Trip cancellation & Interruption (Applicable only for Plan-E: Domestic Trips)
The amount of cover available under the policies are as follows :
a. Hospitalization ; Cover from Rs 1.00 lakh to Rs 10.00 lakh
b . Accident Benefit : Cover from Rs 1.00 lakh to Rs 1.00 crore
In case of hospitalization ,
1. Room Rent, Boarding, Nursing Expenses all inclusive as provided by the Hospital / Nursing Home up to 2% of the sum
insured subject to maximum of Rs.10000/- per day.
2. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) charges/ Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU) charges all inclusive as provided by the Hospital / Nursing Home up to 4% of the sum insured subject to maximum of Rs.20,000/- per day
c. Optional Benefit :
1. Compassionate Allowance : Rs 10,000 to Rs 1.00 lakh
2. Missed Flight Connection : Rs 2,500 to Rs 50,000
3. Loss of Checked-in Baggage : Rs 2,000 to Rs 20,000
4. Trip Delay - beyond 3 hours : Rs 500 to Rs 5,000
5. Carrier Cancellation : Rs 2,500 to Rs 50,000
6. Trip cancellation & Interruption : Rs 20,000 to Rs 1,00,000
Below is a list of common exceptions for the cover availble under the policies
1. Any claim for death or disablement (whether of a permanent nature or of a temporary nature), hospitalisation of the insured person, directly or indirectly due to War (whether declared or not) and war like occurrence or invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, revolutions, insurrections, mutiny, military or usurped power, seizure, capture, arrest, restraints and detainment of all kinds.
2. Any claim for death, disablement (whether of a permanent nature or of a temporary nature), hospitalization of Insured Person
a. from intentional self-injury unless in self-defence or to save life, suicide or attempted suicide;
b. whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugsor other intoxicants except where the insured is not directly responsible for the injury / accident though under influence of intoxication.
c. whilst engaging in aviation or ballooning, or whilst mounting into, or dismounting from or travelling in any balloon or aircraft other than as a passenger (fare-paying or otherwise) in any Scheduled Airlines in the world
d. arising or resulting from the Insured Person committing any breach of law with
criminal intent.
3. Any claim resulting or arising from or any consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or arising from:
a. Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from combustion (including any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission) of nuclear fuel.
b. Nuclear weapons material
c. The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.
d. Nuclear, chemical and biological terrorism
4. Any loss arising out of the Insured Person's actual or attempted commission of or wilful participation in an illegal act or any violation or attempted violation of the law.
5. If the insured is aware of any circumstances that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim.
6. Liability arising out of suicide, attempted suicide or wilful self inflicted injury or illness, anxiety, stress or depression, venereal disease except HIV/AIDS, alcoholism, drunkenness or the use/abuse of drugs.
7. Liability arising out of from the Insured person engaging in Air Travel unless he or she flies as a passenger on an aircraft properly licensed to carry passengers. For the purpose of this exclusion, Air Travel means being in or on, or boarding an aircraft for the purpose of flying therein or alighting there from following a flight.
8. Any claim relating to events occurring before the commencement of the Period of Insurance or after the completion of the Period of Insurance, except relating to Section 10: Trip Delay.
9. Claims increased by the Insured Person’s own act or omission.
10. Liability arising out of accidents to the journey through two wheeled motorised vehicles.
11. Liability arising out of journey by the Insured Person through one's own motor vehicle.
12. Liability arising out of journey where the Insured Person is driving the common carrier.
13. Liability arising out of Insured engaging in any criminal or illegal act.
14. Deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human life).
15. Liability arising out of any loss or damage due to insured being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants or hallucinogens unless properly prescribed by a Physician and taken as prescribed.
16. No claim will be paid in respect of expenses for treatment, which could reasonably be delayed until the Insured Person’s return to City of Residence. The question of what can or what cannot be reasonably delayed will be decided by the independent Medical Practitioner.
17. No claim in respect of cosmetic surgery will be paid, unless such cosmetic surgery is rendered necessary as a result of a covered accident.
18. No claims will be paid in respect of routine physical examination or any other examination where there is no objective indication of impairment of normal health.
19. The insurance will not cover pregnancy of the Insured Person including resulting childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or complication of any of these except of complications in pregnancy arose due to accident to the Insured during the period of Insurance.
20. Any hospital admission or routine examination for investigative/ diagnostic purpose.
21. Any costs incurred on spectacles, contact lenses, hearing aids, corrective and cosmetic dental surgeries.
22. Any treatment related to alcoholism or drug dependency.
23. Participation in an actual or attempted felony, riot, crime, misdemeanour, or civil commotion.
24. Act of Terrorism by the Insured or which is abetted by the Insured in any manner.
25. Participation in any hazardous activities.