What is Niksen ?
According to the dictionary , Niksen is the practice of doing nothing as a means of relieving stress; idle activity, as staring into the trees or listening to music, with no purpose other than relaxation .
The Dutch concept of niksen comes at no cost and zero effort. It's literally doing nothing, but consciously so.
This concept is being practiced by more and more people all over the world for happier times and better creativity
What is investing ? Investment is the process of spending your money in an asset with the objective to grow your money . When you sell back , you expect an additional profit over the initial spending . You may invest in gold , silver , platinum , real estate , stocks , mutual funds , deposits and various other financial instruments . Primary object is to grow your money .
While your purpose is to grow your asset , can you relax after investing? Are you not afraid of market fall or price depreciation ? How can you relax when your money is sunk in the asset ? Can you remain calm and quiet without any worry ?
How to remove the objective of growing money from the process of investing ?
Out of your earnings ( Say A ) , you spend on essentials needed to carry on with your life ( Say B ) and also on activities or goods called luxuries which are not needed , but enhance the quality of life ( Say C ) . You may purchase a bigger car or a big mansion . You may go out on an overseas trip . it can be small luxury like weekend outing or just restaurant visit . You spend money in these categories of luxury spending and you do not expect any return of money . Your money is well spent if you enjoy the activity . You may save and invest the balance of your excess of income over expenditure by creating the assets ( Say D )
So A = B+C+ D .
While spending on essentials is constant B , C and D can be varied according to one 's goals . While a person X who wants to enjoy life may spend more on C and reduce the allocation D . A person Y who is more interested in future , may reduce the expenditure on C and enhance investment D .
X can still be worried about his low investments . While Y will not have present day luxury , he would also be worried of the future of D as the future value is uncertain .
So now the question is how to make the present more happy while keeping the future more secured ?
SPENDING ON LUXURY : What you spend on luxury is for your today's enjoyment or pleasure or to gain new experiences . You may experience the pleasure of viewing TV on a big screen or experience the pleasure of viewing Eifel tower in Paris in your European trip . Whatever you splurge on luxury , you do not expect any monetary return on the money spend . Whatever your budget for the luxury is only for spending .
There can be many items to spend for pleasure like outing , foreign trip , new car or big TV . You may plan how much to spend on your bucket list of to do or to buy things .
NISKEN INVESTMENTS : You may add one more item called Nisken investment in your "LUXURY " spending where you put money without seeking returns . Here you may spend a portion of luxury budget for buying in the stock market as a part of learning new techniques of investment or just to verify the veracity of the claims of Financial gurus you want to follow . These purchases will be a part of learning experiences .
Investment decisions can be made either on study of fundamentals of a company or technical analysis .
Fundamental analysis involves looking at company data such as earnings, new products, and management to judge a stock’s value.
Technical analysis, on the other hand, focuses on statistical trends, such as price movements and volume.
If you feel lazy about learning techniques , Put a sample amount on a famed financial guru who boasts of huge returns and whom you always thought of following . You can know whether he or she is worth following .
All investments you do will be within your luxury budget which you have earmarked for losing .
After investing , relax and follow the movement of stock prices that takes place like a boy chasing a butterfly . The money you have spent on investment is not worth fretting over it's movement .
While you allocate a part of luxury budget on Niksen investment , you will not alter the fund meant for regular investment anyway .
LEARNING INVESTMENT PROCESSES : When you buy stocks, you’re essentially buying a piece of that company. To invest with peace of mind, start by defining your investment goals. Your goal is to master the art of investing and enjoy the process of investment . The quantity of amount spent for such an investment will not add to your financial worries , as the amount will be within your Luxury Budget - meant for spending . . Make investments long term . Long-term investments can ride out market volatility better than short-term trades.
After investing , relax and see what happens to your investment . Whether it's treading the path you expected ? How the actual path it's taking is differing from the expected timeline ?
If your investments show loss , it's time to check where the decision went wrong . Learn new processes and invest in another stock by learning any other strategy . It's called diversification . Don't stress about daily market fluctuations. . Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Over the time , spread your investments across various sectors and asset types to reduce risk. It’s also crucial to stay informed.
Spend time to understand the companies you invest in, their business models, and market conditions. Take it as a sport . Try to know how the market players react to price movements and news about the company . . Your losses are your guiding posts .
Remember all your Niksen investments have flown from your luxury budget , which you would have spent any way . If entire amount is lost also , there is nothing to weep about . It's the money sunk for your investment education . After completing a tour , you would never weep about your tour cost .
So enjoy the time in learning & research , investment process and the way market moves . Compare your various investments and check which one has gone right and which one wrong ? .
Improve up on in your next buying trip .
To recap, investing in stocks with peace of mind involves understanding the basics, setting clear goals, diversifying your portfolio, staying informed, and seeking professional advice if needed. Your money in the stock markets is for playing the games and enhancing the knowledge about stock market games people play .
Remember, a thoughtful approach to investing your money kept for spending on luxury can help you navigate the stock market with confidence and tranquility.
Happy Niksen investment. Invest and be happy and relaxed .
LEARNING WITHOUT INVESTMENT : You may learn the techniques without investing also . But the process will be just theoretical , without practical experience of investing and with no excitement .