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Between UFBU and IBA

12th Bipartite Settlement Latest News
12th Bipartite Settlement Latest News

12th Bipartite Settlement latest news


Dated 14 .03.2025 : One more round of meeting between Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) and the representatives of UFBU was held yesterday the Thursday 13th March 2025 . The meeting was held in IBA's Mumbai office.

It's reported that the following matters were discussed

Recruitment: UFBU demanded adequate recruitment of staff in the Branches due to lack of which the workload in the branches on the employees is very heavy. The number of clerical and substaff in the Banks have come down drastically over the years. UFBU demanded for filling up of the existing vacancies should be filled up .

Leave Bank system: IBA had agreed in principle to introduce Leave Bank system by which employees can donate/contribute their leave to a common pool and which can be utilized towards sanction of leave to employees/officers who have exhausted their leave and who are undergoing treatment for very major ailments. The modalities were discussed and it was decided to further discuss the issue to finalise the scheme at the earliest.

Group Medical Insurance Scheme: To our demand for the Banks to bear the premium for the retirees, IBA informed that it needs further discussion to assess the cost aspect, etc. Regarding improvement in the Scheme like higher coverage, etc, it was decided to continue the discussions at the time of renewal of the current Policy.

Updation of Pension, Improvement in Ex-gratia : IBA informed that the issue is still subjudice. To our demand for improvement in the Ex-gratia, IBA suggested that the same could be discussed after the current financial year is over. UFBU requested the IBA to send a communication to the private sector Banks which have not implemented Ex Gratia payment to pensioners. To the demand for including Special Allowance for superannuation benefits, IBA informed that the same is subjudice due to legal cases pending in Courts.

Improvement in Pension: UFBU suggested that the present pension scheme is to be improved upon like full pension after 20 years service, calculation of basic pension based on last month’s Pay or last 10 months average whichever is beneficial, additional pension for pensioners above 70, 80 and 90 years, minimum pension at Rs. 10,000, etc. and IBA requested UFBU to provide a Note on the same for examination and perusal.

Changes in Disciplinary Action Procedure: UFBU asked IBA for modification of the procedure based on the discussions finalised in the Sub-Committee. IBA agreed to follow up the matter with the Negotiating Committee. Regarding officers, it was agreed to discuss the issue further in a Small Committee.

Uniform DA formula for all Pensioners: UFBU demanded that the DA formula applicable to pensioners post-12%h BPS/9t Joint Note be extended to all previous pensioners. IBA indicated that they are open to discuss the issue if the modification will be cost-neutral and without any additional cost to the Banks. Unions have been requested to submit a Note to IBA on this issue.

Compassionate ground appointments scheme: UFBU requested that the present cap of 5% be calculated based on vacancies available instead of actual recruitment so that eligible pending cases can be considered. UFBU also suggested upward revision of the Ex-gratia lumpsum amount being paid as an option in lieu of appointment. It has been agreed to discuss these issues further.

Monetisation of LFC for officers: IBA informed that the issue will be discussed further with the officers organisations.

Conciliation meeting by CLC on 18-3-2025: Since the IBA had arranged the meeting to discuss pending residual issues, agitational issues like introduction of 5 Days’ Banking per week, Option to switch over to OPS from NPS, etc. were not taken up. In view of the Strike Notice, the Chief Labour Commissioner has called for a conciliation meeting at Delhi on 18-3-2025 when all these issues will be taken up for discussion.

To read the UFBU CIRCULAR on the subject , CLICK HERE


Dated 07.03.2025 : Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) has arranged a meeting with the representatives of UFBU to discuss on the residual matters on Thursday 13th March 2025 at 11.00 am . The meeting will be held in their Mumbai office.

In the previous meeting held on 26th , October 2024 , discussions on the residual issues were held without a logical end .

The important residual issues listed in the 12 th Bipartite settlement include

1. Improvement in PLI scheme
2. Updation of pension for past retirees - Provision to be made in pension regulation to provide for periodical updation of pension along with wage revision settlements .
3. Improvements in pension schemes .
4. Payment of gratuity as one month's pay for each year of service without restrictions .
5. Option to join the DA linked defined benefit pension scheme for employees covered under the defined contributory pension scheme .
6. Extending ex-gratia pension benefit to private bank pensioners .
7. Introduction of leave bank - finalization of the scheme
8. Premium of medical insurance policy to be borne by the banks .
9. Improvement in Group insurance policy .
10. Adequate recruitments in banks
11. DA scheme for all pensioners to be at the uniform index of 8088
12. Modifications in the provision of disciplinary action and procedure .
13. Inclusion of special allowance to superannuation benefits .
14. Allocation of funds to staff welfare fund based on operating profits of the banks .
15. Transport allowance to be paid to the physically disabled employees in line with government employees .
16. North east benefit as per LIC / RBI schemes
17. All contract employees to be regularized as permanent employees .
18. Modification of compassionate employment scheme .


Dated 02.07.2024 : Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) and UFBU constituents had a video conference today to discuss PLI and Medical insurance . The Team IBA was led by Shri. Rajneesh Karnatak, Chairman, Negotiating Committee and MD&CEO, Bank of India, Shri. S.L. Jain, MD&CEO Indian Bank, Shri. Nidhu Saxena, MD&CEO, Bank of Maharashtra, Shri. R.K. Sharma MD&CEO IDBI, Shri. B.K. Mishra DMD SBI, Shri. Gopal Murli Bhagat Dy. CEO IBA and Shri. Brajeshwar Sharma Senior Advisor (HR & IR) .

In the meeting , IBA informed that the Managing Committee of IBA has approved the revised parameters to decide the PLI as discussed in the earlier meeting held on 15th June 2024 and it is expected to issue an advisory to the Banks within couple of days.

GROUP INSURANCE FOR BANK EMPLOYEES AND RETREES : It is reported that IBA has agreed for the following :

1. IBA will call for the RFP from the Insurance companies with stipulation

[a] Combined policy for the workforce and the retirees
[b]. For the workforce covering Domiciliary treatment and for retirees Hospitalization alone;
[ c.] critical illness amount of Rs1 lacs (remain the same)
[d]. Syncronisation of the commencement of the policy for the workforce as well as for retirees. .

​Detailed circular from the UFBU is awaited .


Dated 17.08. 2024 : Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) has arranged the next negotiating committee meeting with the representatives of UFBU on the Monday 26th August 2024 at 11.00 am to discuss the residual issues . The meeting will be held in their Mumbai office .

Following items were identified as residual issues while signing the accord .

1. Improvement in PLI scheme
2. Updation of pension for past retirees - Provision to be made in pension regulation to provide for periodical updation of pension along with wage revision settlements .
3. Improvements in pension schemes .
4. Payment of gratuity as one month's pay for each year of service without restrictions .
5. Option to join the DA linked defined benefit pension scheme for employees covered under the defined contributory pension scheme .
6. Extending ex-gratia pension benefit to private bank pensioners .
7. Introduction of leave bank - finalization of the scheme
8. Premium of medical insurance policy to be borne by the banks .
9. Improvement in Group insurance policy .
10. Adequate recruitments in banks
11. DA scheme for all pensioners to be at the uniform index of 8088
12. Modifications in the provision of disciplinary action and procedure .
13. Inclusion of special allowance to superannuation benefits .
14. Allocation of funds to staff welfare fund based on operating profits of the banks .
15. Transport allowance to be paid to the physically disabled employees in line with government employees .
16. North east benefit as per LIC / RBI schemes
17. All contract employees to be regularized as permanent employees .
18. Modification of compassionate employment scheme .


Dated 27.08. 2024 : A negotiating committee meeting of Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) was held with the representatives of UFBU yesterday as scheduled to discuss the residual issues . Wide range of residual issues were discussed in the meeting , but without logical end .

It's reported that the discussions will continue in further meetings as no resolutions were arrived in the meeting on any of the residual issues .

UPDATE DATED 27,08.2024 ; AIBEA has detailed the discussions held on various residual issues as below :

Improvement in PLI scheme: IBA informed that Banks have been advised of the revised norms for grant of PLI as per the Minutes signed on 15-6-2024 with our Unions. We pointed out that some of the Banks are moving unilaterally in the matter of fixing the parameters and the same should be discussed with the Unions/ Associations.

Updation of Pension: IBA informed that the issue continues to be subjudice and hence cannot be discussed at this stage. We have requested that looking to the profit of the Banks for the year 2023-24, the amount of ex-gratia may be reviewed.

Exemption of additional 4% contribution by managements towards NPS from Income-tax: IBA informed that this has been announced in the recent Budget proposals and hence would be acted upon on receipt of proper guidelines from the Government.

Five Days Banking: We pointed out that even though the IBA has agreed to the Unions' demand and recommended to the Government vide MOU dated 7- 12-2023 and Settlement/Joint Note dated 8-3-2024, the issue is still pending with the Government. IBA informed that the issue is being pursued by them with the Government. From our side, we pointed out that we have been patiently awaiting Government's approval of the same and conveyed that any further delay would only result in industrial unrest and UFBU would be constrained to take decisions to ventilate the agitated feelings of the workforce.

Additional Conveyance Allowance for employees with benchmark disabilities: IBA informed that Government's revised guidelines to increase the amount to Rs. 600 has since been received and communicated to all the Banks.

Extension of Ex-gratia for pensioners of private Banks: IBA agreed to our suggestion to inform the private Banks who are parties to the Pension Settlement that they may extend the Ex-gratia to the pensioners in their Banks as has been implemented in public sector banks.

Group Medical Insurance Policy for in service employees/officers and retirees: IBA informed that in terms of the Minutes signed with our Unions on 2-7-2024, the issue has been addressed and a composite Group Medical Insurance Policy is being worked out for in service staff and retirees with a uniform rate of premium and common commencement date which is expected to result in some relief to the retirees. We reiterated that the premium payable by the retirees be borne by the management.

Finalising the scheme for Leave Bank: IBA outlined the scheme being prepared by them and informed that the scheme has to be scrutinised from income-tax angle (since the eligible employees/officers would be paid salary for the loss of pay period) before the scheme can be decided for implementation. Option to employees covered by NPS to switch over to OPS: IBA informed that the issue needs further discussions in the light of recent decision by the Government on UPS.

Extending the DA scheme of 12th BPS/9th Joint Note to pensioners prior to 1-11-2022: IBA informed that the issue needs further discussion before any view can be taken by them.

Changes in Disciplinary Action procedure: It was decided to discuss the issue further in the next meeting.

Allocation of Funds to Staff Welfare Fund: IBA informed that recently the Government has issued guidelines dated 5-8-2024 increasing the ceilings under the Scheme. We reiterated our demand that the fund should be allocated based on operating profits instead of net profits.

Adequate recruitments in the Banks: We raised the issue of the need for adequate recruitment in all the Banks. It was agreed to discuss the issue further.

Outsourcing: IBA raised the issue that managements be permitted to outsource non-core jobs in view of RBI guidelines and Supreme Court judgment. We informed that the issue may be discussed in subsequent meetings after unions discuss the issue amongst themselves.

Modification in Compassionate Appointment Scheme: IBA wanted more deta and ils from us and it was decided to discuss the issue further.

LTC/LFC Monetisation scheme on the lines of SBI and RBI scheme for officers: IBA wanted more details from us and it was decided to discuss the issue further.

Notional First Stagnation increment for officers in SMGS-V who retired during 01.11.2017 to 31.10.2020: We have raised the issue, it was agreed to discuss the issue further.

18. Anomaly in fitment on promotion from clerical cadre to JMGS-1, from one scale to another: IBA informed that the issue has been resolved and the model formula for fitment of pay of employees on promotion duly implementing the provisions of 12th BPS and 9th Joint Note has been advised to Banks.

A brief by All India Bank Officers Association circular on the discussion held at the meeting

" 5 days Banking: Though IBA has taken up Government, the matter is resting with the Government.

Leave Bank: IBA has shared the note on the captioned matter. However, IBA expressed that the Tax angle should be examined.

Insurance Backed Hospitalization Scheme: RFP has been already floated. The developments in this regard will be shared.

Conveyance Allowance for Physically Challenged Staff: The circular was already released , enhancing the quantum from Rs 400/- to Rs 600/ p.m.

Income Tax Exemption on Contribution of 4% made to NPS Optees: In the current budget, the same has been taken care of by the Government.

Implementation Updation Pension and Ex-gratia to Private Sector Bank retirees: IBA stated that the matter is resting with Apex Court, still, ex -gratia has been considered in the current wage revision for Public Sector Bank retirees, it was submitted that since the Private Sector Banks were also party to Pension Settlement in 1993, payment of ex-gratia should be considered for them.

Discipline and Appeal Regulations : It was submitted that an exclusive discussion should be held, as the report submitted by the committee needs to be revisited afresh. IBA agreed to the submission made.

Compassionate Grounds Appointments: It was submitted that the compassionate ground appointments should be considered delinking from the recruitment specifications stipulated by the Government.

SMG SCALE V officers retired between 1.11.2017 and 31.10.2020 should be given the benefit of the first stagnation increment for the purpose of pension with effect from 1.11.2024. IBA, stated that there was no fund available for the same.

L.F.C. Monetisation: It will be discussed in due course.

Residual Issues : Discussions held on 15th , June 2024

Dated 18.06.2024 : Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) and UFBU constituents had negotiating committee meeting on the Saturday 15th June 2024 . The meeting was held in their Mumbai office of IBA . The representatives from both Officers Associations and Workmen Unions attended the meeting . Gist of the discussions held is as follows advised by AIBEA :

Extract from UFBU Circular dated 18.06.2024 :

" Further to the signing of the 12th Bipartite Settlement and 9th Joint Note on 8-3-2024, there were two rounds of discussions with IBA on 18-4-2024 and 13-5-2024 on the various pending issues, particularly relating to renewal of group medical insurance policy and modifications in the PLI formula, another round of discussions took place between IBA and UFBU on 15-6-2024.

Discussions on Residual Issues: At the outset we insisted that frequent meetings should be held to discuss the residual issues as minutised between the IBA and our Unions on 8-3-2024. IBA agreed to fix up the meeting at the earliest. Arrears in PLI for the year ended 31-3-2023: We took up the issue of non-payment of arrears/difference in PLI amount for the year ended 31- 3-2023 based on the revised emoluments under the 12th BPS/9th Joint Note. IBA informed us that, wherever it is not paid already, these Banks would be so advised.

Modifications in PLI formula: In the 11th BPS/8th Joint Note, when managements wanted to introduce an incentive scheme based on individual productivity of the employees/officers, we could achieve a scheme based on the collective performance a Bank as a whole and the Performance Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) based on Operating Profit/Net profit of the Banks were introduced in public sector banks and on optional basis in private banks. Such Incentive amount ranging from 5 days to 15 days has been paid by the Banks from the year ended 31-3-2020 onwards. Even though payment of PLI based on Operating Profits of Banks was as per our demand, over the years, it was being observed that Banks which were performing better in other parameters could not be paid higher rate of PLI since the increase in Operating Profits was not as per prescribed criteria. Hence, we have been asking for some modifications in the PLI formula to enable Banks to pay higher PLI to employees. Bank managements also felt the need to suitably revise the formula. In this background, the issue was discussed between IBA and the Unions and it has been agreed that the PLI formula can be modified by which PLI can be paid based on emoluments ranging from 5 days to 15 days instead of the present 5/10/15 days.

This would mean that the PLI amount would be 5 days wages, 6 days wages, 7 days etc. etc. upto 15 days based on the revised matrix.
It has also been agreed that PLI can be decided based on 8 parameters viz. increase in CASA deposits, Non-Interest Income, total business of the Bank, profitability, ROA/ROE, Government Schemes, SMA accounts and reduction in NPA out of which Banks can decide to adopt any 5 of these parameters every year looking to their core strength, priorities, etc. and fix up the matrix in consultation with the Unions. Based on the combined marks of the 5 parameters decided by each Bank each year, the PLI would be decided and paid ranging from 5 days emoluments to 15 days emoluments. We have suggested that increase in loans under SME/priority sector may also be considered as a criteria.
It has been agreed that the modified formula would be applicable from the year ended 31-3-2024 and hence accordingly Banks would decide the PLI as above.

Renewal of Group Medical Insurance Policy for 2024-25: Since the current Policy for retirees would end by 31-10-2024 and the Policy for the in-service employees/officers would end by 30-11-2024, there is need to renew the same. Hence the issue was discussed in this meeting. Having regard to the premium for the retirees which is increasing year after year, it was suggested that there can be a combined policy for retirees and in service employees/ officers with uniform coverage which would expectedly result in reduction in premium for the retirees.
We have further suggested that for the in-service employees/ officers, there can be additional coverage for treatment of critical illnesses. We have also suggested that the buffer coverage can be reviewed provided that any uncovered amount would be reimbursed by the managements of each Bank. Suggestions like reverting to reimbursement scheme and adopting SBI scheme, etc. would be taken up later as the same requires detailed study of cost benefit, etc.

IBA informed that they would take the views and opinion of the member banks in this regard, and further decisions can be taken in the next meeting. "


Dated 21.04.2024 : IBA had a virtual meeting on 18th , April 2024 with the representatives of UFBU . IBA team was represented by Shri Rajneesh Karnatak, (MD & CEO, Bank of India), Chairman of the IBA's Standing Committee on HR, Shri. S L Jain, MD & CEO, Indian Bank and other Executives who are members of the Committee and officials of the IBA. UFBU was represented by our constituent unions.

Ex-gratia for Pensioners: The issue of review of Ex-gratia payable to all pensioners was discussed and it was agreed to continue the same ex-gratia amount w.e.f. 1-4- 2024 onwards for the current financial year. For the pre-Nov. 2002 pensioners, UFBU urged upon the IBA to suitably advise the Banks with regard the DA to be notionally taken with 100% neutralisation for working out the ex-gratia amount .

In the meeting , UFBU also took up with IBA about the extension of the ex-gratia payment to the private Banks on the lines of the provisions of 12th BPS. UFBU also suggested that the existing matrix provided in the PLI formula may be modified and improved upon. IBA informed that the issue requires thorough discussions and hence can be discussed in the next meeting.

Residual Issues: UFBU requested the IBA to fix up the date for discussing the residual issues including the Medical Insurance and IBA agreed to finalise the date and hold the meeting at the earliest.

​To read the UFBU circular with this regard , CLICK HERE


Dated 13.03.2024 : It is reported that Finance Ministry has given its approval for the payment of salary / pension and ex- gratia by the Public sector banks as an ad-hoc payment with effect from 01.11.2022 as per the settlement arrived between IBA and UFBU . The 12th bipartite settlement and 9th Joint notes were signed on the 8th , March 2024 . The government approval covers following payments :

1. Salary / arrears and allowances to serving officers / employees .
2. Revised pension and arrears for the pension optees who have retired on or after 01.11.2022
3. Monthly Ex-gratia payment to pensioners and family pensioners whoa re eligible to draw pension as on 31.10.2022 or earlier .

Residual Issues of 12th Bipartite settlement :

Dated 12.03.2024 : The following issues have been identified as yet unsettled and UFBU workmen unions and IBA will continue to have negotiations . They have agreed to come to an amicable settlement within six months of signing the 12th bipartite settlement .

1. Improvement in PLI scheme
2. Updation of pension for past retirees - Provision to be made in pension regulation to provide for periodical updation of pension along with wage revision settlements .
3. Improvements in pension schemes .
4. Payment of gratuity as one month's pay for each year of service without restrictions .
5. Option to join the DA linked defined benefit pension scheme for employees covered under the defined contributory pension scheme .
6. Extending ex-gratia pension benefit to private bank pensioners .
7. Introduction of leave bank - finalization of the scheme
8. Premium of medical insurance policy to be borne by the banks .
9. Improvement in Group insurance policy .
10. Adequate recruitments in banks
11. DA scheme for all pensioners to be at the uniform index of 8088
12. Modifications in the provision of disciplinary action and procedure .
13. Inclusion of special allowance to superannuation benefits .
14. Allocation of funds to staff welfare fund based on operating profits of the banks .
15. Transport allowance to be paid to the physically disabled employees in line with government employees .
16. North east benefit as per LIC / RBI schemes
17. All contract employees to be regularized as permanent employees .
18. Modification of compassionate employment scheme .


Dated 08.03.2024 : The representatives of IBA and the UFBU signed 9th joint note / 12th bipartite settlement today .
To go through the 12th bipartite settlement signed between IBA & UFBU

Permit 5 days banking : UFBU appeals to FM

Dated 21.02.2024 : In the meeting held on 13th , February 2024 , UFBU had made it clear that all remaining issues including 5 day banking had to be settled to finally sign the 12th bipartite agreement / settlement . It is understood that most of the issues including ex-gratia to pensioners has already been agreed upon . However IBA is yet to receive approval for 5 days banking scheme recommended by IBA and also agreed up on by UFBU .

In light of non-receipt of 5 day banking approval by Ministry of Finance . UFBU has now appealed to Ms Nirmala Sitharaman , the Finance Minister to approve the 5 days banking scheme referred by IBA . In the letter UFBU has highlighted the scheme which will neither reduce the number of hours of working by the employees nor the total number of business hours .

Click here for UFBU letter dated 17.02.2024 addressed to FM
AIBEA circular on the bipartite meeting held on 13.02.2024


Dated 13.01.2024 : It is now reported that the Cost Sheet for 9th Joint Note/12th bipartite settlement was signed between Officers Associations, Workmen Unions and Indian Bank Association yesterday 12/01/24 late night at IBA office.

​Cost sheet indicates the budgeted additional expenses on account of the settlement reached .


​Dated 12.01.2024 : As scheduled , the Negotiating committee of Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) held the meeting with representatives of UFBU today in Mumbai office of the IBA .

Convenor of UFBU has messaged that most of the issues including pay scale have been finalised. Cost allocation to various components are being worked out and the final cost sheet will be signed in the next few days. Mr C.H Venkatachalam , the convenor of UFBU has also messaged "We will furnish the details after signing the cost sheet. Units and members are requested to await till then. We are moving towards signing the final settlement "


​Dated 09. 01.2024 : As scheduled , the core group of Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) is held the meeting with representatives of workmen union today in Mumbai office of the IBA .

Discussions were held on the various demands submitted by the workmen unions in their charter of demand . Demand on Leave Rules amendment like four days half pay leave introduction and one sick leave per month without medical certificate for female employees were discussed . , Other demands discussed included Leave Fare Concession , Revision of Special Pay and Duties, index series changes, additional stagnation increment , medical insurance scheme, improvement in NPS, learning allowance, Education allowance for two children, annual eye checkup. It is expected that the decisions will be arrived in the main negotiating committee meeting to be held on the Friday 12th , January 2024


​Dated 08.12.2023 : As scheduled , the negotiating committee of Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) held a meeting with representatives of UFBU yesterday . Both parties agreed for a pay hike of 17 % on the pay slip cost along with improvement of pension for all cadres . Additional loading of 3 % on basic salary after merger is agreed up on

The total cost of hike is expected to amount Rs 12 , 449 crores for the banking industry . Monthlt ex-gratia amount will be paid to the pensioners before pension updation takes place .


Memorandum of Understanding between Indian Banks' Association representing Management of Banks which are parties to the Bipartite Settlement and United Forum of Bank Unions, other Unions and Associations on the basis of discussions held on 7 th December, 2023 on wage revision. Discussions were held between the Indian Banks' Association representing Managements of Banks and the authorized representatives of Workmen Unions and Officers' Associations on wage revision for Officers and Workmen in banks. The management and the Unions / Associations representing the workmen staff and officers, acknowledge the need for a robust banking system which is adaptive to the challenges facing the banking industry and the need' to further improve the productivity, efficiency and responsiveness to the needs of the customers and various stake holders.

With this commitment, it has been agreed to resolve the pending wage settlement issue and enter into an MoU as under:
1. The wage revision will be effective from 1.11.2022 for a period of five years.
2. Annual increase in salary and allowances is agreed at 17 %, of the annual pay slip expenses for FY 2021-22, which works out to Rs. 12,449 crores for all public sector banks including SBI.
3. The new pay scales will be constructed after merging Dearness Allowance corresponding to 8088 points (average Index point as applicable for the Quarter of July, August and September, 2021) to the basic pay as on 31.10.2022, and adding thereon a loading of 3 %, amounting to Rs 1795 crore.
4. Distribution of annual wage increase between Workmen and Officers will be worked out separately and proportionately based on breakup of establishment expenses for FY 2021- 22.
5. Without prejudice to the demand of unions/associations for updation of pension for all retirees, it is also agreed that as a one-time measure applicable for the current bipartite / Joint Note period, monthly ex-gratia amount will be considered along with pension by PSBs to pensioners and family pensioners, who were drawing pension as on 31/10/2022. The applicability of the said ex-gratia for the retirees of the current settlement period will be discussed further. The said ex-gratia amount will not attract any other allowance including dearness allowance.
6. The parties will meet on mutually convenient dates to draw out a detailed Bipartite Settlement/Joint Note on the various issues on which consensus positions are reached. The parties will endeavor to finalize the Bipartite Settlement /Joint Note within a period of 180
days from the date of this minutes.
7. IBA has already recommended to the Government for declaration of all Saturdays as holidays under NI Act for Banking industry in line with earlier negotiations with unions /associations and the same will be pursued. The unions/associations urged for implementation of the same before signing of the final bipartite agreement/ joint note.
8. All other issues of the Managements and Unions/Associations discussed during the process of negotiation including payment of ex-gratia to pensioners and family pensioners of private sector banks and foreign banks will be settled to the mutual satisfaction.


Dated 09.11.2023 : As scheduled , the negotiating committee of Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) held a meeting with representatives of UFBU today . In the meeting IBA informed that they are ready to improve the hike to 16 % from the earlier of 15 % in pay slip cost towards wage revision . It is reported that UFBU has not accepted to the new offer also and urged IBA to improve further on the offer .

The other matters discussed in the today's meeting include 5 day banking and improvement of pensions paid to the retirees .

It is also reported that the resignees will get option to join pension scheme of the bank and an understanding on this hasbeen reached between UFBU and IBA . Details awaited

UFBU circular dated 10.11.2023


Dated 06.11.2023 : Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) has arranged the next negotiating committee meeting with the representatives of UFBU on the Thursday 9th November 2023 at 11.00 am . The meeting wll be held in their Mumbai office .

In the previous meeting held on 27th , October 2023 , IBA had offered a hike of 15 %on pay slip cost and was rejected by UFBU . UFBU had urged IBA to improve up on the offer .


Dated 28.10.2023 : UFBU in its circular about the meeting held yesterday and earlier rounds of meetings has informed via a circular that

" Further to the last round of discussions held with IBA’s Negotiating Committee on 29.9.2023, meetings of Working Groups on 1. Special Pay posts and duties, 2. Revised DA Formula, 3) Disciplinary Action & Procedures for workmen, 4) Officers Disciplinary Procedure Conduct Rules and 5) Leave and LFC rules were held on 11th , 12th, 13th and 26th October, 2023. A meeting of Core Committee was also held on 25.10.2023. The various demands submitted in our Charter of Demands were discussed in these meetings. Further discussions on these demands would continue.

Yesterday (27-10-2023), another round of discussions was held with the Negotiating Committee of IBA led by its Chairman Mr. M.V. Rao (MD & CEO, Central Bank of India). During the discussions we urged upon the IBA to come out with their offer on the demands submitted by our Unions. IBA explained the financial position of the Banks and keeping that in view offered an increase of 15% on Pay slip cost. From our side we could not agree to this offer as the same was inadequate to reach a finality. Hence, we requested the IBA to further improve their offer. However, no conclusion could be reached. Hence the discussions would be continued in subsequent meeting. "

It may be noted that Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) has already agreed for the revised Pay Scales worked out by merging Dearness Allowance up to 8088 points. UFBU has also demanded that the DA scheme should be switched from 1960=100 Index Series to 2016=100 Index Series in the new Settlement, after merger of DA at 8088 points . The Working Group of IBA has also agreed to recommend the same to the Negotiating Committee where final decision would be taken. "
UFBU is a group of bank unions and consists of the four workman unions (AIBEA, NCBE , NOBW , & INBEF) and the four officers associations ( AIBOC , AIBOA, INBOC , & NOBO) . Four workmen and four officers associations have separately submitted their charters of demands .

To read UFBU circular , CLICK HERE


14.09.2023 : It is reported that the four officers associations ( AIBOC , AIBOA, INBOC , & NOBO) ​ have since submitted to IBA a supplementary charter of demands . The new supplementary demands are

1. Wage revision in Catholic Syrian Bank and DBS Bank

Wage revision to officers of Catholic Syrian Bank and DBS Bank (erstwhile Lakshmi Vilas Bank) on the
lines of 8th Joint Note to be extended without further delay.

2. Coverage of 9th Joint Note

9th Joint Note should cover all public sector Banks, private Banks and Foreign Banks

3. Officiating Pay:
 Restriction of minimum of 7 days for officiating in higher grade to claim officiating pay to be removed.
 Formula for computation of officiating pay to be rationalised.

4. Dearness Allowance formula:

 DA on pension for all retirees to be updated and brought to a common Index Point

5. Improvement in other allowances:

 Hill & Fuel Allowance: Places situated at a height of over 500 meters but less than 1000 meters.
 Lakshwadeep island to be included in page no 33 of our Charter of Demands under Special Allowance
 Introduction of Lunch Allowance
 Introduction of discomfort allowance for staggered/odd-hour duties for officers.
 Upward revision of project area allowance & split duty allowance etc.

6. Medical Insurance Scheme:

• Premium finalised to remain the same atleast for 3 years.
• Common guidelines to be issued for Buffer coverage and increase in quantum of buffer.
• More number of hospitals to be included under cashless scheme.
• The stipulation of minimum 24 hours of hospitalization for reimbursement to be removed.
• Reimbursement of pathological tests should be allowed even if there is no line of treatment/hospitalisation after tests in case the tests are made on the advice of the doctor.
• Bank managements should handle all the claims instead of directing the officers to contact the TPA.
• Grievances redressal mechanism to devised at all levels, which shall include the representatives of banks, union and insurance company.
• OPD (outpatient treatment) expenses to be included for reimbursement under the medical insurance policy.
• Reimbursement of dental treatment expenses like root-canal etc.
• For Retirees minimum basic policy to be worked out and premium to be borne by the Banks. Premium for additional optional coverage can be paid by the retirees.
• GST should be waived for premium on medical insurance of retirees, or it should be borne by the Banks

7. Leave Rules:
• The provision that “No leave can be taken as a matter of right” to be suitably modified so that leave is not declined unjustifiably.
• As one grid policy is already on the cards, the leave available to officers in the branches and also of the Officers is different. The balance of holidays should be added to the account of the officer instead of any other compensatory exercise prevailing in the banks.
• Increase in Casual leave mentioned in page no 42 of our Charter of Demands to be enhanced to 18 days.
• Restriction on availment of maximum number of days of casual leave of 4 days at a time to be removed.
• While computing Privilege leave, maternity leave/paternity leave and Special Leave availed may not be taken into account.
• Under clause 5(b) of 8th Joint Note, women officers can avail sick leave for sickness of children up to the age of 8 years.
The age ceiling should be revised to 15 years and the facility should be extended to male officers also.
• For sickness of “Special Child”, sick leave should be sanctioned to officers on production of medical certificate irrespective of the age of the child.
• Grant of special maternity leave upto 60 days in case of still born or death of infant within 28 days of birth as per Government guidelines
• Balance of maternity leave to be permitted to be availed to attend to delivery of daughter/daughter-in-law upto 45 days and where maternity leave is not available, sick leave can be granted.
• Leave towards miscarriage/MTP/ etc., to be treated as over and above normal Maternity Leave entitlement.
• Submission of medical certificate to be waived for availing sick leave for minor ailments like flu, fever, etc for a max. period of 6 days. For this, number of occasions per year may be stipulated.
• Leave Bank: In case of death of an officer due to terminal diseases or after prolonged hospitalisation on account of major accidents, loss of pay suffered by him/her due to lack of leave at credit to be reimbursed to the family.[in addition to demands under (LEAVE BANK),
• Increase in number of days of Special leave to office-bearers.
• Office-bearers shall be permitted to avail special leave in combination with other leave and intervening holidays to be excluded.
• For Office-bearers and the Executive Committee members of the unions, notice period to be waived for availment of privilege leave.
• Introduction of ½ day leave up to 10 occasions a year

8. Leave Fare Concession:

• Parents should be automatic dependents irrespective of their income.
• For officers working in North-east States, LFC should commence from Kolkata instead of Guwahati.
• Partial encashment of LFC to be allowed.
• Road mileage cost to be increased to Rs. 15/- per kilometre.
• At the time of retirement from the Bank, officers to be allowed additional LFC for travel to his home town.

9. Improvement in retirement benefits:

• Last drawn “Pay” or 12 months’ average “Pay”, whichever is higher, should be taken for
computation of Gratuity.
• After 30 years of service, for every completed year of service, it should be 45 days, instead of 15 days.
• For computing basic pension, it shall be either last drawn “Pay” or last 10 months’ average, whichever is higher.
• Credit to NPS account on real-time basis.
• An actuarial report on pension provisions in Public Sector Banks should be provided as mentioned in our MOU signed on 4.01.2021 that an actuary was appointed.
• Qualifying service for full pension need not be stipulated as in Central Government Pension Scheme
• Review of Regulation 46, 47 and 48 of the Pension Regulations, 1995

10. Special problems of ex-servicemen:
• Uniform guidelines to be issued for implementation in all the banks on fitment.

11. Service conditions of women officers:

• Declaring 8th March as holiday to mark International Women’s Day
• We demand Creche allowance for Women Officers till the time of establishment of Creche facility in addition to our demand for Establishment of Creche facility mentioned in page no 34 of Charter of Demands under Issues concerning to lady Officers.
• In cases of women officers facing Court cases due to divorce, separation etc., they may be exempted from transfers till the Court case is completed.

12. Physically Challenged/Differently abled officers:

• Transportation shall be arranged for differently abled officers to attend office and to return to their homes.
• Introduction of separate Reimbursement of annual medical check-up expenses for physically Challenged/ differently-abled Officers.
• JOB software to be provided for visually impaired officers.
• Special leave of 4 days to be increased to 7 days a year.

13. Disciplinary Action Procedure:
• Punishment should not be imposed till disposal of appeal.
• Subsistence allowance during suspension period to be improved.
• On reinstatement after suspension, the increments earned during the period of suspension to be released.

14. Improvement in PLI scheme:

Parameters under the PLI scheme to be suitably modified. Uniform guidelines to be given by IBA to all Banks

15. Other demands:

• Pension Regulations should be amended and updated as per Joint Note up to 8th Joint Note.
• Any benefit passed on to workmen which consequentially bring disparity with the officers shall
be addressed properly.

UFBU MEETING WITH IBA : Details of Discussion

Dated 02.09.2023 : AIBEA has detailed the details of negotiations held between UFBU and IBA ON 31.08 2023 by way of a circular .

As per earlier report , the both sides have agreed to make the effective period of salary revision will be for 5 years from 01.11.2022 . It was also agreed that DA up to 8088 points of price index would be merged with the basic pay . IBA has informed that the issue of 5 day banking is under considerations of higher authorities .

It has also come to light that some private sector banks and foreign banks are yet to issue mandate for negotiations .

The next meeting is expected to occur in the middle of this month.

To read the AIBEA circular , CLICK HERE


​Dated 31.08.2023 : The scheduled meeting between Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) and representatives of United Forum of Bank Unions ( UFBU ) was held today and discussions continued .

It is reported that the both sides have agreed to make the effective period of salary revision will be for 5 years from 01.11.2022 . It was also agreed that DA up to 8088 points of price index would be merged with the basic pay

Further details of the discussions are awaited .

Workmen Unions : Improve allowances
Officers Associations : Merge scales

Dated 08.08.2023 : As scheduled , Sub committees of Indian Bankers Association ( IBA ) held two separate meetings with representatives of workers unions and officers associations yesterday .

While workers unions pleaded for improvements in various allowances , officers associations suggested merger of various scales for officers in to two scales , one for the managers and the other for the executives .

​Workman unions suggested. for a formation of sub-committee to discuss issues like DA scheme based on 2016 = 100 index , updating duties of clerks and sub staff and IBA agreed for the same

Workmen placed their demands for improvements in various allowances like stagnation increment , HRA and other allowances , medical aid , leave rules

Officers Associations also suggested for creation of small committee to discuss issues like Disciplinary procedure , leave facilities etc and IBA agreed for the suggestion to form the committee .

Officers Associations also demanded two additional increments for all grades of officers , additional increment for passing CAIIB . Officers Associations suggested present scale 1 to scale IV in to one new scale 1 - Manager scale and merger of scales V to scale VIII as scale II - Executives .

The next rounds of talks with the main committee are expected to take place before the month end. .

To read the circular issued by AIBEA in this regard. , CLICK HERE


Dated 01.08.2023 : It is reported that the first discussions between IBA and constituents on the issue of wage revision is scheduled on the Monday 7th , August 2023 .

The meeting between core committee members of IBA with the representatives of workmen unions will be held in the morning session at 11.00 am in the Mumbai office of IBA . At the same venue in the afternoon session , IBA core committee members will meet representatives of Officers Associations .

The two sets of charters of demand were submitted to the Indians Bankers Association ( IBA ) by the representatives of Employees unions and Officers Associations in the month of October 2022 . The earlier settlement has already lapsed on 31.10.2022 and salary revision has to take place from 1st, November 2022.

NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN : Subcommittees formed by IBA

Dated 28.07.2023 : The first formal meeting between UFBU and IBA was held today with regard to charters of demands submitted by employees unions / officers associations .

UFBU representatives explained the salient features of their demand and requested to settle the matter at an early date . IBA also expressed its desire to complete the negotiations in next four months .

IBA also advised that they have formed two subcommittees to discuss separately for employees demands and officers demands along with a main committee for the negotiations .

In the meeting , 100% neutralization of DA for the pre2002 retirees was also agreed up on . For the details , click here .

To read AIBEA circular , CLICK HERE


Dated 28.01.2023 : Indian Bankers Association has written letters to the individual banks seeking mandate from them to negotiate on their behalf , as the Government has already given permission for negotiation on the charter of demands submitted by both bank employees unions and officers associations . . The earlier bipartite settlement has lapsed on 31.10.2022 .

it was revealed by the IBA representatives in a reconciliatory meeting held by the Chief labour Commissioner in Mumbai .


Dated 20.01.2023 : It is reported that the Department of Financial Service , Ministry of Finance has advised the public sector banks today to initiate the process of negotiations with bank employees / officers . Now banks have to individually authorize the Indian Bankers Association to begin negotiations on their behalf with UFBU .

The four workman unions (AIBEA, NCBE , NOBW , & INBEF) have made a common charter of Demand and already submitted to IBA in october 2022 . Similarly the four officers associations ( AIBOC , AIBOA, INBOC , & NOBO) have also made their common charter of Demand and submitted to IBA on the same day .

Charter of Demands for 12th Bipartite settlements :

11h Bipartite agreement is going to lapse :

Dated 21.10.2022 : The 11th Bipartite agreement between various bank workmen unions and bank officers associations , who are the constituents of UFBU except BEFI , was signed in November 2020 and is effective for 5 years from 01.11.2017 . It will come to an end on 31.10.2022 .

Bank unions have signed 11 agreements , so far , with the Indian Bankers Association and each of the settlement is signed after prolonged negotiations each time . IBA will call for meetings with the representatives of the unions , after it has received te demands and studied them and it is expected that negotiations will be prolonged before a settlement is signed .

As scheduled , the four workman unions (AIBEA, NCBE , NOBW , & INBEF) have made a common charter of Demand and submitted to IBA today . Similarly the four officers associations ( AIBOC , AIBOA, INBOC , & NOBO) have also made their common charter of Demand and submitted to IBA today . The salient points of demands are as follows


1. Extend wage revision to employees of Catholic Syrian Bank & DBS Bank. (Erstwhile Lakshmi Vilas Bank)
2. Immediate introduction of 5-day banking.
3. Expedite Improvement in Pension for all existing pensioners.
4. Resolve all other Pending Residual Issues of 11th BP Settlement.
5. 12th Bipartite Settlement to cover all Public Sector Banks, Private Banks and Foreign Banks.
6. 12th Bipartite Industry-level Settlement to be effective from 1.11.2022 and upto 31-10-2027
7. Finalisation of the Settlement through expeditious negotiations.
8. Revision in Pay Scales and Dearness Allowance formula.
9. Merger of Special Allowance with Basic Pay.
10. Improvements in Special Pay, Professional Qualification Pay, Educational Qualification Pay, Fixed Personal Pay.
11. Provision for Housing Accommodation/improvement in HRA.
12. Introduction of Education Allowance.
13. Increase in Transport Allowance/Reimbursement of Petrol Cost.
14. Improvement in Leave Benefits.
15. Introduction of Leave Bank System.
16. Improvement in Leave Fare Concession Benefits.
17. Increase in Annual Medical Aid.
18. Improvements in Medical Insurance Scheme for employees/retirees.
19. Bonus for all employees.
20. Improvement in Gratuity.
21. Enhancement in rate of Provident Fund.
22. Improvement in Pension Scheme.
23. Total exemption from income tax on entire retirement benefits.
24. DA linked pension for post-April, 2010 employees.
25. Improvement in Special Area allowance and Special Compensatory
provisions for North-east, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.
26. Revision in criteria/ceiling of dependents’ income.
27. Outsourced employees/Contract labour to be regularised as permanent
employees of the Bank.
28. Till then, Payment of Equal Pay for Equal work for these employees
29. Banking Correspondents to be regularized as a separate cadre in the
Banks with defined service conditions and remuneration.
30. Absorption of temporary employees.
31. Adequate recruitment of clerical and substaff in all the Banks.
32. All part-time employees to be converted to full-time workmen.
33. Improvement in other allowances.
34. Deletion of Para 522(1) and Para 536 of Sastry Award.
35. Modification in provisions on transfer of employees under deployment policy.
36. Issues relating to retired employees.
37. Staff Welfare Schemes – Method of allocation of Funds.
38. Special provisions/improvements in service conditions of women employees.
39. Special provisions for Ex-servicemen employees.
40. Issues concerning physically challenged/differently-abled



1. Wage revision should take into account risk, responsibility, accountability and transferability of officers. Improved Basic Pay commensurate with Central Government Officers, RBI officers & LICI Officers.
2. The base date for calculation of quantum hike of ensuing settlement to be based on establishment expenditure as on 30.09.2022 as against present practice of 31st March of the year of wage revision due.
3. Revision of improvement in pay scales by merger of DA up to 01.08.2022.
4. Special Allowance, with DA as on 31.10.2022, to be merged with the existing Basic Pay.
5. Revised DA formula with provision for automatic merger with Basic Pay (as that of Central Government) and improvement in Compensation against price rise.
6. All existing Stagnation Increments up to Scale V should be converted to regular increment after one year from reaching maximum of the respective present scales. This shall also remove present anomaly in fitment on promotion.
7. Date of sanction of annual increments should be on 1st January and 1st July every year.
8. The present embargo in regard to the sanction of stagnation increment, automatic movement, increment in next higher scale and PQP in respect of those officers who have refused / took reversion / opted out of promotion should be removed. The present
policy of enforcing such embargo is against the natural justice and tantamount to imposition of major penalty.
9. Upward revision of HRA commensurate with market rent.
10. Self Lease for officers to be introduced.
11. Substantial increase of CCA & Location allowance (non CCA centres) for all.
12. Learning Allowance to be enhanced substantially.
13. Closing allowance to be enhanced and paid every quarter in view of the enhanced workload performed by officers every quarter end as it is an obligatory requirement to declare audited quarterly results.
14. Improvement of lumpsum amount as compensation on transfer and two months’ salary to compensate incidental expenses on transfer.
15. Improvement of lumpsum amount on mid-academic transfer equivalent to three month’s gross salary to meet the education expenses of children on account of transfer.
16. Review and rationalization of halting/boarding/travelling expenses/Hill area allowance etc.
17. Introduction of incentive for rural and other sensitive/difficult areas.
18. Improvement in special area allowance and special compensatory allowance for N.E, Jammu, Kashmir, Himachal, Leh, Ladhakh, Uttarakhand and red corridor / disturbed areas.
19. Improvement in Leave Fare Concession and monetization of LFC – The entitlement of mode of travel should be made as air travel to all the officers and restoration of LFC abroad within domestic entitlement.
20. Special Provision for Women Employees with regards to placement and postings, provision of crèche facility as per Govt. guidelines / flexi timings /work from home, child care leave with salary as applicable in Central Government etc.
21. Introduction of 5 day work week.
22. Working hours for officers should be defined and regulated, in terms of ILO Norms.
23. The income criteria for dependents to be substantially increased.
24. The Provident Fund should be at the rate of 12% of the total salary and allowances.
25. The Gratuity should be paid at the rate of one month salary and allowance without any ceiling. Gratuity as per regulation should be improved.
26. Roll back to the existing pension scheme to all those who are in NPS.
27. Pension to be extended to Pension optees on resignation also.
28. Updation of Pension in line of Central Govt. and the Principle of One Rank One Pension.
29. Encashment of entire leave at credit should be permitted on resignation.
30. Improvement in all leaves facilities/introduction of the concept of leave Bank etc.
31. Roll back of IBA Medical Insurance for serving officers and retirees and implementing the provision of the policy at individual Bank level.
32. Uniformity of loans and advances to officers by adoption of best of policies. The Road Tax on vehicles should be paid by the Banks on inter-state transfers.
33. Review of Disciplinary Rules Procedure. Allowing personal hearing of charge sheeted officer in case of major penalty proceedings accompanied by Defense representative.
34. Classification of lapses into major and minor penalty.
35. Keeping in view the principle of Ex Post Facto in our legal framework, Clarification be issued to Banks that any alleged lapse committed by an employee while working in the capacity as workmen, but alleged lapse detected when employee is an officer, he should be tried under bipartite rules and not under officers D & A regulations.
36. Full legal expenses to be borne by banks on legal cases against any officer both serving and retired for all cases related to banking work except charges of fraud perpetuated by the officer.
37. Present ceiling of 3% of net profit for welfare to be increased to 5% of operating profit without any ceiling for staff welfare activities.
38. Categorization of Branches to be done uniformly for all Banks by IBA & RBI.
39. Massive recruitment of officers, clerical, subordinate staff and security guards required.
40. Appointment of compassionate grounds to be completed within six months period.