You can trade direct through RBI

Dated 05.01.2022 : Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) now has asked all the Primary Dealers ( PD ) in the scheme to quote both buy and sell prices while quoting prices in the Odd Lot Segment .
RBI has asked Primary Dealers (PDs) to provide buy and sell quotes on the NDS-OM odd lot segment . All PDs have to provide buy/sell quotes for liquid securities throughout market hours. Alternatively, the secondary market trading time may be divided into time slots and it shall be ensured that PDs provide buy/sell quotes during these time slots for the liquid securities that they hold. Primary Dealers Association of India will decide on the allocation of time slots amongst PDs and inform the same to RBI.
In the Request-For-Quotes (RFQ) segment , PDs have to be present on the RFQ platform throughout market hours.
Any request for buy/sell from the Retail Direct Gilt Account Holders have be responded to by the PDs with a market-relevant quote.
The move of RBI is expected to promote more retail participation in Government Securities by providing better transparency to the prices quoted and the prices/quotes to Retail Direct Gilt (RDG) account holders will be nearer to market prices and encourage retail participation in buy/sell securities under the RBI Retail Direct Scheme.
To go through the RBI Notification , CLICK HERE
Dated 12.11.2021 : Prime Minister Shri Narenda Modi launched two innovative customer centric initiatives of RBI viz. Retail Direct Scheme and the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, here today via video conference. The Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman and the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India Shri Shaktikanta Das were also present at the event.
Referring to the two schemes that have been launched today, the Prime Minister said that these schemes will expand the scope of investment in the country and make access to capital markets easier, more secure for investors. Retail direct scheme has given small investors in the country a simple and safe medium of investment in government securities. Similarly, One Nation, One Ombudsman System has taken shape in the banking sector with the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme today, he said.
To read the Press Release in this regard , CLICK HERE

RBI Retail Direct’ is a comprehensive scheme which provides the following facilities to retail investors in government securities market through an online portal to :
i) Open and maintain a ‘Retail Direct Gilt Account’ (RDG Account)
ii) Access to primary issuance of Government securities
iii) Access to NDS -OM (Negotiated Dealing System-Order Matching) , Managed by RBI
For opening Retail Direct Gilt Account ( RDG ) with RBI Direct ,
1. Click on " Open RBI Direct Account " and you will get a new screen
2. Fill Joint Account or Single account , Full Name , PAN Number , e-mail , mobile number , Date of Birth and Log-in name .
3. Accept Terms & Conditions and Submit
You will receive OTP for confirming e-mail , mobile number and registration .
Once your submission is accepted , you have to verify your KYC credential before account is activated .
For KYC process , you have to keep copy of your scanned signature , scanned copy of cancelled cheque .
In case there is an address change , you have to keep a copy of passport or Driving Licence or voter's ID or Proof of Aadhaar number .
Once youe E-KYC is approved, you may start operating the account .
What are Government securities that are allowed under RBI RETAIL SCHEME ?
Government securities, for the purpose of this scheme, mean securities issued in form of stock by credit to SGL/CSGL account maintained with RBI as defined under Section 3(iii) of Government Securities Act 2006. These include:
1. Government of India Treasury Bills;
2. Government of India dated securities;
3.Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB);
4.State Development Loans (SDLs).
Treasury bills are money market instruments issued as a promissory note guaranteed repayment at a later date by the Government of India . Funds collected through the treasury bills are used to meet short term requirements of the government, hence and to reduce the overall fiscal deficit of a country.
At present, the Government of India issues four types of treasury bills, namely, 14-day, 91-day, 182-day and 364-day. They are available for Rs.25,000 and in multiples of Rs. 25,000. T-bills are issued at a discount and are redeemed at par.
Government Bonds or Dated G-Securities are those government securities which are issued for a longer period either at a fixed or floating interest rate (Coupon). The coupon on Dated G-securities are paid on face value and the maturity period varies from 5 years to 40 years.
For the list of present outstanding dated securities , CLICK HERE
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24
Update dated 10.02.2024 : Issue Price for Series IV ( February 12 – 16 , 2024 ) is
₹ 6,263 /- per gram of gold. ( RBI Press Release dated 09.02.2024 ) . If you apply on-line in digital mode , you will get a discount of Rs 50 per gram with net price of Rs 6,213 per gram .
Update dated 16.12.2023 : Issue Price for Series III ( December 18 – 22 , 2023 ) is
₹ 6,199 /- per gram of gold. ( RBI Press Release dated 15.12.2023 ) . If you apply on-line in digital mode , you will get a discount of Rs 50 per gram with net price of Rs 6,149 per gram .
UPDATE Dated 10.12.2023 : . Reserve Bank of India, vide its Press release dated 08.12.2023 , has announced Series III and IV of Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24. The terms and conditions of the issuance of the Bonds shall be as per the notification.
SERIES III : SUBSCRIPTION : December 18 - December 22, 2023
ALLOTMENT : 28.12.2023
SERIES IV : SUBSCRIPTION : February 12 – February 16, 2024
ALLOTMENT : 21.02.2024
Update dated 09.09.2023 : Issue Price for Series II ( September 11 – 15 , 2023 ) is
₹ 5,923 /- per gram of gold. ( RBI Press Release dated 08.09.2023 ) . If you apply on-line in digital mode , you will get a discount of Rs 50 per gram with net price of Rs 5,873 per gram .
Update dated 18.06.2023 : Issue Price for Series I ( June 19 – 23 , 2023 ) is
₹ 5,926 /- per gram of gold. ( RBI Press Release dated 16.06.2023 ) . If you apply on-line in digital mode , you will get a discount of Rs 50 per gram with net price of Rs 5,876 per gram .
Dated 15.06.2023 : . Reserve Bank of India, vide its, has announced Series I and II of Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24. The terms and conditions of the issuance of the Bonds shall be as per the below notification.
The SGBs will be sold through Scheduled Commercial banks (except Small Finance Banks, Payment Banks and Regional Rural Banks), Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL), Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL), designated post offices, and recognised stock exchanges, viz., National Stock Exchange of India Limited and Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. The features of the SGBs are as under:
SERIES I : SUBSCRIPTION : June 19- June 23, 2023
ALLOTMENT : 27.06.2023
SERIES II : SUBSCRIPTION : September 11 – September 15, 2023
ALLOTMENT : 20.09.2023
Dated 15.06.2023 : Government of India, in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India, has decided to issue Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) in tranches as per the calendar specified above : . Under the Scheme, there will be a distinct series (Series I and II) for every tranche. The terms and conditions of the issuance of the Bonds shall be as per the above notification.
Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB);
State Developments Loans ( SDL ) are similar to dated securities of Government of india , but are issued and managed by state governments in India .
SDLs are auctioned by the RBI through the e-Kuber which is dedicated electronic auction system for government securities and other instruments. RBI holds SDL auctions once in a fortnight.
Who can open account in RBI Retail direct scheme ?
Retail investors ,who are individuals , can register under the Scheme and maintain a RDG Account, if they have the following:
i) Rupee savings bank account maintained in India;
ii) Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by the Income Tax Department;
iii) Any OVD for KYC purpose;
iv) Valid email id; and
v) Registered mobile number.
However the RDG account can be opened singly or jointly with another retail investor who meets the eligibility criteria.
Non-Resident retail investors, who are eligible to invest in Government Securities under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, are also eligible to open the account under the scheme.
i) Investors can register on the online portal by filling up the online form and use the OTP received on the registered mobile number and email id to authenticate and submit the form.
ii) Instructions issued under RBI-Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016, updated from time to time, will be adhered to during onboarding the investors. Upon successful registration, ‘Retail Direct Gilt Account’ will be opened and details for accessing the online portal will be conveyed through SMS/e-mail.
iii) RDG Account shall be available for primary market participation as well as secondary market transactions on NDS-OM.
Primary market participation
iv) Participation and allotment of securities will be as per the non-competitive scheme for participation in primary auction of government securities and procedural guidelines for SGB issuance.
v) Only one bid per security is permitted. On submission of the bid, the total amount payable will be displayed.
vi) Payment to the aggregator / receiving office can be made through either of the following ways:
a) Using the net-banking/UPI facility from the linked bank account, whereby funds will be debited at the time of submission of bids on the portal.
b) Using the UPI facility, whereby funds in the linked bank account can be blocked at the time of submission of bids on the portal which will be debited from this account on successful allotment in the auction. Similar facility through banks will be made available in due course.
c) Refund, if any, will be credited to the investor’s bank account as per the timelines specified by the aggregator.
vii) Allotted securities will be issued to the investors by credit to their RDG Account on the day of settlement.
Secondary market transaction-NDS-OM
viii) Registered investors can access the secondary market transaction link on the online portal to buy or sell government securities through NDS-OM (odd lot segment/RFQ).
ix) Payment can be made through either of the following ways:
Before start of trading hours or during the day, the investor should transfer funds to the designated account of CCIL (Clearing corporation of NDS-OM) using net-banking/UPI from the linked bank account. Based on actual transfer/success message, a funding limit (Buying Limit) will be given for placing ‘Buy’ orders. At the end of the trading session, any excess funds lying to the credit of the investor will be refunded.
Using the UPI facility, whereby funds in the linked bank account can be blocked at the time of placing order which will be debited from this account on the day of settlement. Similar facility through banks will be made available in due course.
x) Securities purchased will be credited to the RDG Account on the day of settlement.
xi) Securities identified for sale will be blocked at the time of placing order till the settlement of the trade.
xii) Funds from the sale transactions will be credited to the linked bank account on the day of settlement.
Non-Trade transactions – Value Free Transactions (VFT)
xiii) Transactions permitted under VFT guidelines issued by RBI on November 16, 2018, as amended from time to time, as applicable to retail investors, will be available under the scheme.
xiv) For such purposes, the investors should submit an application on the online portal.
V. Investor services
Registered investors can use the online portal for the following investor services:
a. Account Statement
Transaction history and balance position of securities holdings in the Retail Direct Gilt Account can be obtained from the link provided. All transaction alerts will be provided through e-mail/SMS.
b. Nomination facility
The nomination form in the prescribed format duly signed can be filled up and uploaded. There can be a maximum of two nominees. In the event of death of the registered investor, the securities available in the RDG Account can be transmitted to the RDG Account or any other Government securities account of the nominee on submission of death certificate and transmission form.
c. Pledge/Lien
Securities held in the RDG Account will be available for pledge/lien.
d. Gift Transactions
‘Retail Direct Investors’ will have an online facility to gift government securities to other Retail Direct Investors.
Fee and charges for RDG
No fee will be charged for opening and maintaining ‘Retail Direct Gilt account’ with RBI.
No fee will be charged by the aggregator for submitting bids in the primary auctions.
Fee for payment gateway etc., as applicable, will be borne by the registered investor.
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